© Ghislaine Garat-Edwards


Ghislaine Garat-Edwards

Née en 1953 à Landstulh (RFA) d’une mère française et d’un père américain Ghislaine Garat-Edwards est imprégnée d’une double culture. Peintre amateur et passionnée, elle se lance dans ce monde il y a plus de 25 ans. Au terme d’un apprentissage académique basé sur l’enseignement du dessin, elle se familiarise avec les techniques de gouache et d’huile. Après avoir fréquenté les ateliers de Pierre Lafage et de Jean Jacob, ancien professeur aux Beaux Arts, Ghislaine enrichit chaque année son expérience au cours de stages dispensés par des peintres de renom : c’est alors l’occasion d’aborder de nouvelles techniques et d’explorer des approches différentes d’une peinture avant tout guidée par la nature et fortement inspirée par les compositions florales.

Ghislaine Garat-Edwards was born in 1953 in Germany. Her mother was French and her father American and thus grew up in a dual cultural identity. Her passion for painting and fine art occurred incidentally 25 years ago after a job loss. It has never failed since. An academic training based on drawing, oil and gouache technics were guaranteed in her first and upmost Artschool in Bordeaux (France). Pierre LAFAGE was her main teacher and instructed his students to perceive colors and forms without a priori. She still gets benefit from his advice. Then she met Jean JACOB a beaux arts teacher. Over the years she has also been developing her skills by attending plein-air workshops with renowned marine painters. The beauty of the lush vegetation in Georgia where she was bred instilled in her the love of nature. No need for translation it has a common meaning throughout the world.